
Speed depends on how fast you can get all the relevant information and your legal representation. We are set up and ready to go.

Cash Purchase

Thats a straight 'cash price' generally a walk in walk out and very quick process. As the risk is 100% on us, the price will refelect this. This is suitable for someone who wants to be out within 6 months. Though we have done deals where the owner was out in 2 weeks.

How do you give me above the market value?

Instead of paying the banks and brokers we give you that money instead. Let me show you how….

Check our criteria click here

Costs of buying and selling a business:


Sellers Costs:

  • Broker 6% (This is average which incorporates any advertising or promotion fees)
  • CGT up to 45% (calculations available on or google or ask your tax accountant. Many factors apply)
  • Lawyer $2000 (starts at and goes up depending on details. Not something we suggest you skimp on)
  • Accountant $2000 (Again needed for the sales process)

Buyers Costs:

  • The business
  • Lawyer $2000 
  • Accountant $2000 
  • Interest on loan between 3% and 13%
  • Money to keep afloat & grow

Examples of how you save money: (or make you money)

$10 Million Sale

Assume: Your business is worth $10 million dollars. You are eligible to retire; and you have owned your business for over 12 months and are retiring. If you have owned your business over 15 years you do not need to pay the capital gains tax.

The ATO’s deferred settlements administrative practice permits the taxpayer to defer payment of CGT until receipt of the capital proceeds, so the capital proceeds can be used to pay the tax.



Using our system, instead of us lending the money from the banks to buy the business we lend it from you. You become the bank and you earn bank size profits.


As a bonus, you don’t need to risk your money with a financial planner who's results in this uncertain climate are difficult to project or guarantee or on the stock market. Instead you will be able to relax and enjoy your retirement the way you want to.


$1 Million Sale

Assume: Your business is worth $1 million dollars. You are eligible to retire; and you have owned your business for over 12 months and are retiring. If you have owned your business over 15 years you do not need to pay the capital gains tax.

The ATO’s deferred settlements administrative practice permits the taxpayer to defer payment of CGT until receipt of the capital proceeds, so the capital proceeds can be used to pay the tax.

You don’t need to risk your money on the stock market that is in turmoil with the current climate, or with a financial planner whose results are difficult to project or guarantee. Instead you will be able to relax and enjoy your retirement any way you want to.

PLEASE NOTE: The above calculations are an example, we have been told on multiple occasions that there are more tax savings that could be made, but as we do not know your exact circumstances and we are not accountant we advise you speak with a professional account.


PLEASE NOTE: This is just one type of structure we can use to get more money in your pocket when you sell your business to us. We will look at more options when we get to that stage if they are available to us.


Income Forever

Assume: Your business is worth $1 million dollars. You are over 55yo; and you have owned your business for over 12 months and are retiring. Plus, you do not take any of the capital and live off the interest.

The ATO’s deferred settlements administrative practice permits the taxpayer to defer payment of CGT until receipt of the capital proceeds, so the capital proceeds can be used to pay the tax.

Depending on what your retirement strategy is, there are options we can explore to get you the lifestyle you deserve for all the years hard work you have sacrificed. We can also to other periods of time depending on your needs.

Before applying process, please read the questions and answers page.